Public Realm Inclusivity Panel

The Public Realm Inclusivity Panel (PRIP) are a diverse group of people from the local area, aged 15 and up, who have a range of lived experiences, requirements and support needs. The panel was set up to give a voice to local people who are not usually included in the process of creating development projects and ECDC has committed to work with them for at least 12 months as the masterplan and detailed proposals are developed. The purpose of the Panel is to work closely with the design team to shape the proposals for the outdoor spaces within the Earls Court site. The group meets once a month and works closely with the design team. Using a creative approach the panel acts as a critical friend, inputting into the design brief and testing proposals as they are developed.


The workshop sessions so far have helped develop the skills of the group so they understand and engage with the complex challenges the masterplan needs to resolve. They have also explored a ‘people-first’ approach to thinking about the site and how it will deliver better spaces for people in the short, medium and long term. Working together, we aim to co-create a place:

  • that is both an everyday place and a special/ exciting destination
  • that is inclusive, fully accessible and works well for people with disabilities, young people, older people and carers
  • that works for everyone/ that everyone can enjoy and spend time in
  • that is welcoming and embraces differences

ECDC values the voices of the local community, and want to build a thriving place that is inclusive for everyone. We’re looking to balance the needs and wishes from local voices with the opportunities available on the site, using the his Panel and its lived experiences and understandings to help our design team prioritise, and ultimately create a better and inclusive place for people. The panel is facilitated by ZCD Architects and Ciron Edwards.

Applications have now closed for membership of the panel, however if you are interested in being considered for future involvement, please email

If you would like to find out more about the Panel and what it does, please click here to download a short report.