We’re working in partnership with Open City on the Accelerate programme that is designed and mentored by Open City. The programme supports young people aged 16-18 from under-represented backgrounds to pursue careers in the built environment industries. Equipping them with the skills, portfolios, networks and the confidence to make informed career choices.
The course is structured into:
- 10 Skills Development Workshops at inspiring London locations
- 12 hours of mentoring at leading built environment practises across London
- Joint public exhibition of student work
- Continued support through education and practise via the Alumni Network
The 2024 course theme is ‘rituals’. Rituals are made slowly and carefully over time, in accordance with our social customs and personal habits. They can be drawn from the depths of a collective history or traced from our individual personality, with the power to describe one’s culture and define one’s identity. This year Accelerate will chart a course through the city; its communities and neighbourhoods, its buildings and its spaces public and private, to better understand the actions, the performances and the processes that combine to create our collective culture; The Rituals of the City.
Each workshop covers a key topic of the built environment we believe to be important in gaining a good understanding of the issues and concerns within the sector.
You can find out more about the programme here.
Help us fill the blank
We would love to hear your ambitions for the area and the emerging masterplan. We have set up an online consultation platform to make it as easy as possible for you to share your views and comment on proposals as they develop. Have your say now, and complete a short survey to tell us about your vision and priorities for the area.