We have set out our updated proposals for central London's largest cleared development site following a detailed review of feedback from the engagement following the February launch of the masterplan.
Building on the vision 'to bring the wonder back to Earls Court' the latest proposals demonstrate how the place is set to re-emerge as a destination to discover wonder, a home for creative talent and a showcase for one of the fastest growing industries in the world - clean and climate tech.
Sustainability underpins the masterplan with a zero carbon energy network and a zero operational carbon target as the basis of the development. Key benefits include:
- 4,000 new homes (targeting 35% affordable across all tenures).
- 2.5m sq ft of workspace available and delivering around 12,000 new jobs.
- 60% of the site will be unbuilt, and plans include a generous network of Exhibition Gardens and open spaces.
- Three large new cultural and performance venues, providing an ecosystem for the future of creative talent.
Responding to feedback these proposals reveal a 20% increase in open space and a 10% reduction in the amount of development compared to the plans shown in February.
Earls Court masterplan movement video
Speaking about the unveiling of the updated proposals, Rob Heasman, CEO of ECDC, said:
"Forging a new piece of city that is inclusive,- climate resilient and brimming with opportunity is a great privilege.
In 2021, we shared a new vision to bring the wonder back to Earls Court, to ensure our plans for the future create unforgettable experiences, as in the past. Our plans have progressed and benefitted from continued open dialogue with a broad spectrum of community groups and stakeholders, as we bring forward a new piece of city that will have wide reaching benefits for London. Whether you live here, work here or visit here, this will be a place designed for everyone, that brings joy to everyday life.
There is no other central London site like this; this is our chance to build sustainably and innovatively for the future, ensuring that Earls Court is a place to discover wonder for generations to come."
A hybrid planning application will be submitted in mid-2024. The first phase of development, comprising over 1,000 homes, the first cultural and commercial buildings, and the park and vital east-west connections will commence in 2026.
Please click on the consultation tab to view and comment on our latest plans.
Help us fill the blank
We would love to hear your ambitions for the area and the emerging masterplan. We have set up an online consultation platform to make it as easy as possible for you to share your views and comment on proposals as they develop. Have your say now, and complete a short survey to tell us about your vision and priorities for the area.