Find out what we heard during the consultation on our draft masterplan

In February 2023, The Earls Court Development Company published the draft masterplan proposals for the site of the former Earls Court Exhibition Centres for public consultation. This was the seventh phase of consultation since the site was purchased from the previous owners, with two years of detailed engagement on our vision to bring the wonder back to Earls Court.

The ambition for this masterplan launch was to deliver a best-in-class public consultation, achieving both depth and breadth of feedback. This included a new and improved ‘Conversation Corner’ exhibition space on Lillie Road and extensive promotion via the distribution of tens of thousands of flyers, letters, booklets, posters and social media advertising.

We have created a detailed report of the feedback we received, covering the key themes and asks and explaining how we are using these to shape the direction of the masterplan moving forward.

We were pleased that there was generally positive sentiment towards our proposals and grateful for the significant number of ideas which have been shared with us throughout the consultation.

Overall there was:

  • Strong positivity towards the provision of publicly accessible green spaces
  • Happiness that something is finally happening on site
  • Satisfaction with the prioritisation of walking and cycling on and through the site
  • Positivity on our approach to car ownership by residents (very limited), but questions about those with reduced mobility who rely on vehicles
  • Mixed views on building heights and density, but an understanding of the relationship between height, and the amount of affordable housing and green space that can be provided
  • A strong desire to see high quality architecture and design

More detail on the consultation and the feedback received is included in the Feedback Summary available here. You can also view the full report from the masterplan launch on our website here.

At the end of this year we will launch our next phase of public consultation when we will show how the feedback received has been reflected in the design for our updated masterplan – we will share more information in due course. We intend to submit hybrid planning applications for the overall masterplan and a detailed Phase 1 application next summer.